I use the text editor “VIM” for almost everything, since it’s quick, does pretty much everything I need. It’s interface isn’t the quickest to learn, but once you can use it, it’s great.
I especially like being able to log into the server from any computer in the world and be able to have my whole environment available to me, I don’t have to install huge complex IDEs or whatever.
Some plugins I use:
- Vundle
- vim-less
- surround.vim
- Syntastic
- vim-powerline
- pythoncomplete
- The-NERD-tree
- Markdown-syntax
- jedi-vim
- YankRing.vim
- ack.vim
- Pydiction
- ctrlp.vim
- minibufexpl.vim
and some bits I have in my .vimrc which may be interesting to you other VIMers:
" Make line numbers fun.
if (v:version >= 703)
set rnu " relative line numbers
highlight LineNr ctermbg=darkgrey ctermfg=black
function! NumberToggle()
if(&relativenumber == 1)
set number
elseif(&number == 1)
set number!
set relativenumber
set number
function! NumberToggle()
set number!
function! ColourPicker()
" Save previous " register to restore at the end
let [qr, qt] = [getreg('"'), getregtype('"')]
" delete current word to " register
normal Bde
" colourpicker w/ current word, and put in " register
call setreg('"', system(printf("colourpicker %s", shellescape(@"))))
" paste it back in again.
silent norm! P
" and restore previously saved " register.
call setreg('"', qr, qt)
map <leader>c :call ColourPicker()<cr>
Spacebar leaderkey
One thing I only recently did was switch the spacebar to being my ‘leaderkey’. I’d not really used the ‘leader’ stuff much before, but now it’s all working I really like it.
let mapleader="±"
map <space> <leader>
which seems a bit odd, but seems to work. Essentially I’ve mapped the “real” leaderkey to something I can’t easily
access by accident, and then (outside of visual / insert mode) mapped space to the leader. I was trying
for a while to figure out some kind of noimap
or something syntax to say only do this outside of visual/
insert mode, but then this works without any complexity. Cool.
I’ve then assigned a bunch of window/pane movement leaderkeys:
map <leader><left> <c-w><left>
map <leader><right> <c-w><right>
map <leader><up> <c-w><up>
map <leader><down> <c-w><down>
map <leader>h <c-w><left>
map <leader>l <c-w><right>
map <leader>k <c-w><up>
map <leader>j <c-w><down>
map <leader>v <esc>:vspl<cr>
map <leader>S <esc>:spl<cr>
map <leader>q <esc>:q<cr>
map <leader><space> <c-w><c-w>
which lets me switch windows with hitting space and then a direction, or swap windows with double tapping space.
Visible tabs and spaces:
A couple of minor things that really bug me is spaces at the end of lines, and mixing tabs and spaces. Here’s a couple of bits which make that a bit better.
" spaces at end of line:
au FileType * syntax match WhitespaceEOL /\s\+$/
highlight WhitespaceEOL ctermbg=red guibg=red
" Display tabs as "| " in a slightly grey color:
au FileType * syntax match RealTab /\t/
highlight RealTab ctermbg=black guibg=black
set listchars=tab:\|\
set list
Python PEP8 style helpers
It’s also pretty helpful having a visual reminder about line lengths:
au FileType python set colorcolumn=81